Each week we rank key politicians relevant to the current political environment. Each week these political figures may fall or rise based on
Category: Politics
Joe Biden will stay in the debates, despite Pelosi’s wish
Nancy Pelosi has said that she wishes that Joe Biden would not give Trump credibility. House Speaker Pelosi doesn’t want Joe Biden to
Democrats say Mike Pompeo & Republicans Violated Hatch Act
Mike Pompeo did a zoom meeting in to the national party convention for the Republican Convention August 25th, 2020. It has not been
Duval County Sherriff Mike Williams: ‘we are still not close’ to being prepared for the GOP Convention in terms of safety
The convention was originally supposed to be between August 24th to the 27th. Due to the Coronavirus surge, that is becoming under doubt right now.
Trump administration officials seek to discredit Dr. Fauci
It has become apparent that the White House has been seeking to discredit Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci has made many different statements throughout
The Supreme Court rules on ‘faithless electors’
Electoral College voters are now forced to vote for the candidate they are required to vote for. SCOTUS ruled 9-0.
Section 230, the Communication and Decency Act, is Under Bipartisan Attack
The issue with regarding Section 230– the communication decency act, which gives tech companies a shield with what users post is under intense scrutiny from both political parties.
Karl Rove disputes Biden’s claim that Trump won’t step down Democratically
Fox News contributor and former deputy white House Chief of Staff to George W Bush Karl Rove has stated that he believes that
Joe Biden Is Moving Up According to Recent Polls
Biden has been increasing his lead over Donald Trump in recent polls. What were sure fire states like Michigan, are now turning into battleground states.
Trump is claiming double-standard
Per Politico reporting, “So they now convict Roger Stone of lying and want to jail him for many years to come,” Trump tweeted,