Donald Trump lashes out at Fox boss Rupert Murdoch amidst $1 billion defamation lawsuit

Donald Trump lashes out at Fox boss Rupert Murdoch amidst $1 billion defamation lawsuit

Former US President Donald Trump is currently embroiled in a $1 billion defamation lawsuit. And he’s not happy with Fox boss Rupert Murdoch. The lawsuit alleges that Fox hosts lied to viewers about the 2020 election. Murdoch admitted platforming those lies was a business decision. Shockingly, the court filings also revealed that Fox and Murdoch secretly helped the Trump campaign.

Fox News lies are nothing new

For years, Fox News has been known for its biased reporting and outright lies, all while claiming to be the only outlet telling the truth. But now, court filings have definitively proven that Fox hosts knowingly lied to viewers about the election, and that Fox was actively helping the Trump campaign.

Even Kellyanne Conway, a former Trump aide and frequent Fox News guest, has been caught lying on air. From claiming that the inauguration was the biggest ever to blaming everyone but Trump for the COVID crisis. It’s clear that Fox has been peddling lies for far too long.

Despite being caught out in the court filings, Fox and Rupert Murdoch are still continuing with their same old shtick. But as the court filings have shown, it’s all about profit for Fox and Murdoch, not about telling the truth.

It’s not surprising that Fox and the Republican Party have had a long-standing relationship. But the court filings have shown just how deep that relationship goes. On-air personalities have campaigned with Trump, and even after his presidency was over, Fox host Tucker Carlson was seen cackling with Trump at one of his golf clubs.

Rupert Murdoch attempted to distance himself from Trump

The court filings have also shown that Fox and Rupert Murdoch panicked and tried to distance themselves from Trump after the January 6th insurrection, but by then it was too late.

It’s clear that Fox News is not a legitimate news organization. They have actively helped the presidential campaign, knowingly lied to their viewers, and tried to backpedal away from Trump. And now, Trump is turning on them.

It remains to be seen how this lawsuit will play out, but one thing is for certain: the monster that Fox and Rupert Murdoch helped create is now turning on them. If they thought they could simply get rid of Trump after years of elevating him, they were sorely mistaken.

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